Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master:

    • Paul Feautrier was invited to give a talk on “New Architectures, New Compilations Problems”, at the student seminar for the IMAG M2 course, Grenoble, December 5, 2016.

  • Spring/Summer Schools:

    • Alain Darte, as part of the spring school on numerical simulation and polyhedral compilation, gave a half-day course on “Introduction to Automated Polyhedral Code Optimizations and Tiling”, see https://mathsinfohpc.sciencesconf.org.

    • Tomofumi Yuki, a part of the École Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation 2016, gave a half-day course on “Research in Compilers and Introduction to Loop Transformations”, see http://ejcp2016.univ-lille1.fr/.


  • PhD: Guillaume Iooss, “Detection of linear algebra operations in polyhedral programs” [16], joint PhD ENS-Lyon/Colorado State University, started Sep. 2011, defended July 1st, 2016, advisors: Christophe Alias and Alain Darte (ENS-Lyon) / Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University).

  • PhD: Alexandre Isoard, “Extending Polyhedral Techniques towards Parallel Specifications and Approximations” [17], ENS-Lyon, started in Sep. 2012, defended July 5th, 2016, advisor: Alain Darte.

Guillaume Iooss is now post-doc in the Parkas team, while Alexandre Isoard is R&D engineer at Xilinx (Dublin, Ireland, then San Jose, Ca).


Alain Darte was one of the two reviewers of the PhD of Thibault Gasc (CEA DAM DIF, Maison de la Simulation, November 2016), entitled “Modèles de performance pour l’adaptation des méthodes numériques aux architectures multi-cœurs vectorielles. Application aux schémas Lagrange-Projection en hydrodynamique compressible”. He was also member of the juries of the PhD of Alexandre Isoard, as adviser, and of Guillaume Iooss as administrative co-adviser.